Sunday, January 31, 2010


I think I just met the love of my life. It's something in the way he looks at me with his most incredible green eyes, wanting me. I just want to bury my face in his chest. I want his hulking self slinking about my apartment.

And when people ask what I did on Saturday night, I could say Benjamin and I curled up in bed to read. Because he would have to be named Benjamin. Benjamin, like the science teacher. He even looks like a Benjamin.

I am so tempted to go back tomorrow and bring him home with me. I am sure he is exactly what I need. If only there weren't the delicate matter of the other two cats that already live at my parents' house. Sigh.


Ciana said...

i think you mean...SINBAD!

though benjamin is a great name :)

myrkur ljos said...

I would have to rename him. Sinbad just doesn't have the same appeal.