Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Today's spark of excitement

A minute ago, the hallways of my building were rife with firemen toting ENORMOUS axes in their belts and firewomen with multiple fire extinguishers strapped to their backs. There were two fire trucks parked out front, and I dashed out to the fire escape just in time to see them pointing the hose up at me.

In fairness, it looks like the apartment enflammé was at the back of the building, and even so, they decided hoses were not necessary, so no actual water came out, but exciting nonetheless!

I took in the scene with a bowl of lemon pasta from the balcony at the front of the building, waiting until the hubub died down to determine who shan't be getting his or her security deposit back. Looks like one of the apt.s on the third floor has had its door pried open. And I thought I'd get a finger wagging for letting the dirty wheel of my bike kiss the newly painted wall today...

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