Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February is for FREEDOM

I don't think I can muster the enthusiasm to start any more grad school applications.... which means I'm done!

I am slowly starting to realize how mono-minded my little world had become in the past few months, but February is the month to change all that!

February is the blissful month of ignorance in which I put off worrying about where or whether I got into grad schools because I can't know yet. February is when I can pick up my old art projects again. In February, I shall read books! I have plunged whole-heartedly into self-assigned homework so that I might not feel a fool when I'm back in school. I am plugging through the Primer on Ecological Statistics and a thick textbook on Ecology with a gorgeous cover. I'm learning about Microeconomics and I'm signed up for a botanical field trip to the Sonoran Desert. Seemingly unbeknownst to my sister, I am attending her political science lecture in which we are treated to a best-of series of previous guest lecturers. A holiday is in order, possibly to Hawaii, with Matt in the imminent future. I am going to see friends. I am going to do yoga! There is talk of Europe in the summer -- perhaps a jaunt in Portugal? Spain? France? Ireland? The Scottish Highlands? My slim pocketbook is the limit!

The past few months have felt a dim haze compared to the promise of this spring. Curiously, becoming all but caught up in the ebb and flow of the grad student co-op has left me still feeling the odd outsider even now that I've my own official key and am paying for the bit of their food that I eat. The clean, thoughtless distinctions obvious primarily to those on the receiving end remind me of being a contractor at Google. Still, I feel I serve a purpose, and, in my true fashion, I have managed to be up 7.5 workshift hours in just the third week of the semester.

In any case, February. Things are on the up and up.

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