Monday, February 15, 2010


I was reminded today, sprawled on my blanket in the warm February sun out of doors, that these really are good times.

I'm a lucky girl to be able to make music and read and picnic out in the park on such a regular basis. To work so hard and feel like I'm not working at all. To run in with so many fantastic people.

Even valentine's day turned out lovely after all with a trip out to the farmer's market for carrots and up to the store for cottage cheese which would be fried into apple pancakes. Followed by banjo and fiction reading in the park. For it to be so warm and sunny these past few days, to be able to wear dresses and skirts, letting the sky touch my bare legs. Delicious. And then dinner at the co-op with Sarah and Jenna. Even the disappearance of two buses and the breaking down of a third and the long unintended walk through dark Berkeley streets on my way over was lovely.

I guess I really do love what little life I've made here. And it's good to remember that so clearly now and again.

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