Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Things you should know

It's true, I have been terrible about getting the word about, but OMG I am engaged! It's kind of hard to wrap my mind around, especially when I'm living alone in this new place and everything about life is so new right now, but one of these days I'm going to have to get better about saying fiancé instead of boyfriend. Maybe when we get our engagement rings.

So, holy toledo! There is a lot of planning to do! I haven't really done much of anything, but my sisters are excitedly sending me links of pretty wedding dodads and invitation artwork or finding friends of theirs who want to make my wedding cake and only charge me for materials. I signed up for That right away. Hell yeah, man. She can make whatever she wants for that price.

Wedding gown browsing has been a little trickier. Of course anything I really love costs 3-4x what I want to spend. I'm ok with looking a little more casual than the norm dress-wise, especially if it means I have more $$$ to spend on accessories and what not I will actually wear again, but, my god, anything calling itself a wedding dress costs way more than it needs to you. Case in point: there was a dress on Etsy that came in a variety of colors (red, black, white, etc), and the white one cost Hundreds of Dollars More than the red or black one even though the material was the same! That's what I call highway robbery! I want it to be obvious in pictures that I'm the one getting married, but other than that I don't need to be super fancy. Here are some outfits I've liked so far...

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