Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Gauchos heyo

I'm just starting to get settled in here in Goleta, the town cuddling up to UCSB, where I start classes tomorrow.

Thank god for our inaugural EEMB (my department) retreat for first years and anyone else who feels like coming. It was so(ooo) nice to get to meet my girls (there is one guy out of the eight of us) before orientation day. Seeing familiar faces in our lab safety training on Monday really gave me the warm and fuzzies. So far I love everyone in my cohort and all the other grad students (at least the ones who come to socials with booze!). Even the faculty are great, especially my advisor. Santa Barbara is no Bay Area, but it feels like the right place to be.

Eg. I have been wanting to learn to knit so that I can make socks, but I don't want any more scarves, and I don't want to spend months making what turns into a lumpy sweater. And what do they have but a beginners knitting class specifically for socks and slippers! It is a sign. I think I might be the first one registered.

The apt. is still mostly empty with cardboard boxes strewn about, but I have a desk, a bed, internet, a couple of bookcases, and two posters up, so it works.

They told us at orientation that we have the highest voter registration rates of any school in the US. Berkeley is second and our rate is twice theirs! I was pleased about that.

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