Monday, April 7, 2008

Vampire Weekend / A-Punk

As my floorboards are rumbling to Vampire Weekend / A-Punk, I'm glad that my neighbors at least have good taste in music. Or, maybe I'm just pleased with myself for being able to recognize the song from just the base line.

Speaking of music though, I MAY have just finished tabbing out Fireball Mail, that herculean task assigned by my banjo teacher. The end might be a little off, but it's pretty close, I think. It helped that I took the day off from work. Man, did I ever need it. I probably won't look super convincing tomorrow, but I can't work with that fuzzy-brain feeling that comes just before a shut down.

Tea party coming up this Sunday. Looks like there should be a good turnout, so I'm excited about that. I've been itching to break out the croquet set for weeks now. Saturday also promises une nuit française. It's been too long since we've had one of those.

I can't believe China is coming up so fast. I keep having to turn down invitations explaining I'll be in across the Pacific, but I'm always surprised to hear the words coming out of my mouth. China. I've been reading up, but it still doesn't seem quite real, which could be due in part to the fact that I've done next to zero planning for it, but I feel like this needs to be one of those vacations that you just let happen however they happen. I would like to at least get train tickets to Mongolia and back hammered out though..

Friday I wandered into this vintage clothing shop in the Lower Haight on my circuitous way to Aaron's opening, and there were these two girls dressed like.. one was dressed sort of like a Japanese elf and the other girl looked like maybe like a gypsy. And they were singing. improv. singing about celebrate celebrate celebrate. be happy. meow meow meow. and somehow it was perfect. It was like some kind of easy magic. Aaron's show a couple of doors down was impressive. He got a good turnout. There was a bar and a dj and maybe ten of his new paintings. Seeing those hanging on the wall, I realized I'd never seen his stuff in person before. I was struck again by how talented he is. I always find myself wondering what the world must look like to him with those images floating in his head. I made sure to say hello and congratulations before ducking out.

I walked in the wind down the hill to BART thinking about footsteps.

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