Thursday, June 10, 2010

The good, the bad, and the ugly

This internship thing is going well. The people are great and even the menial labor is still fun. I got to do a little field work last week up in the Sierra Foothills near Yuba City, which was great, v. hot, though. It was cool to see a proper oak woodland.

Then this week has been all root cleaning, all the time. I'm going to have really buff hands by the time this is done, which may not be for a long, long while.

I'm officially Not moving, though. Apparently the girls I thought I was living with want a 2 bedroom place instead, and even if they find a 3 bedroom place, they don't want me in the third bedroom. Double smack down on that front. Sting!

Mostly good things, though. Lots of busy-ness. Maybe one of these days I'll have fifteen minutes to myself to have a thought about it. For the time being, full speed ahead.

Also, my sister got into med school! There will be a doctor in the family in five years!! And another triple graduation in four! I do love my family <3

1 comment:

Ciana said...

a serious WTF (or WTBH, what the bloody hell?!?!) with that roommate situation! i had a similar thing happen to me a few years ago. sigh, what gives? i say EFF it. we're going to build a cooperative farm in the near future, and we can certainly use your skills there :)