Tuesday, September 2, 2008


So I've heard that girls can't really pull off the collared shirt and tie thing now that Avril Lavigne or whichever of those angsty girl pop stars that I can't tell apart claimed it.

But time out, let me back up. Boys are so easy to dress. I can't understand why so many of them have trouble finding hot clothes to wear. It's not just about skinny pants (although a lot of men look better in skinny pants than girls do) - there are whole genres of looks that men can just rock so easily. Maybe it's that there are fewer options and evolution has honed man-style into a number of sexy sexy outfit genres, but needless to say, I would effing love getting dressed in the morning if I were a boy.

Now, one of those boy-looks that I'm totally into is that whole tie and collared shirt thing. Esp. when the top button(s) are open. It's like dressy and casual. It says to me: I am such a rockstar that this tie can't hold me back. So, given that the odds of me waking up as a boy one morning (without a lot of pointed deliberation and effort) are pretty slim - not to mention that I don't necessarily want to be a boy - I'll be damned if I can't wear collared shirts with tie-things and my top buttons undone. For example:

[I am totally outing myself as closet photobooth addict, but it's for a good cause.]

If this were an ideal world, I'd own (and wear constantly) and awesome v-neck argyle sweater vest, but what I've got is this scoopneck brown sweater. And I'll say that I am kind of pleased and intrigued by the curve of the neck and how it contrasts with the v of the open shirt and how the girly thin sweater works with the man-ish faux tie especially when I wear it all with my fabuleuse new skirt.

[Side note about the skirt: it has the most incredible, incredible pockets and is brilliantly comfortable. If I hadn't gotten it as a gift - thanks mom! - I should totally have bought for myself. Skirts with pockets are hands down rad.]

So, I suppose the question I've been contemplating lately is if these hot man-styles just look good, or if they look good because they're man-styles. And if they look good because they're man-styles, what does that mean for me? Or, I guess the question should be - what can it mean for me?

Are these looks that you can break down into their geometry and recreate in women's clothing? And what's the difference, really - aside from the cut, which is important obviously because I have hips and a tiny rib cage in lieu of broad shoulders and chicken legs? The shape of clothes isn't just about the shape - it's about the shape on you. In any case, it's a question I'm curious about.

1 comment:

Ciana said...

this is so funny, because i was just thinking very similar thoughts about wearing men's (or man-style) clothing after browsing this months' 'GQ' mag (the one with james franco on it.) i highly suggest you peruse it. the amount of skinny tweed suits will drive you INSANE! i want to look just like all of those men, they are perfect! there's something autumn-y, scholarly, comfy, structured, and creative about it that is incomparable.

i have long been saddened by what avril lavigne has done to women wearing ties, but i think the addition of a sweater completley takes the teenybopper out of the equation. go for it!