Monday, September 22, 2008


You know how sometimes you'll just be messing around on the banjo or whatever and then all of a sudden you hear something. The thing you were trying to find only not really trying, more like wanting to chance upon. And then you chance upon it! Well, I didn't actually know this phenomenon until like seven minutes ago when I was practicing for the banjo lesson tomorrow since I've been neglecting it during my cold, which I am finally recovering from.

There was this part in Fireball Mail that I'd heard my teacher do and heard people do. A bit of fanciness. Not even that fancy. Just different in a way that I like. And I could hear it in my head, but of course I have no idea what those notes are. And I couldn't remember where it would go even if I did find the notes. And Then. I am playing around and hit the wrong string by mistake and it was like a shoot of lightening that said NOW! Play it now! So I fumbled around hitting whatever string till I found something closeish to the first note and then the other notes just came straight out my my hand. Just like that. As if I wasn't even trying.

And then I smiled so big at myself in the mirror I was practicing in front of that I noticed my teeth were tinged a shade of kale-olallieberry from dinner and skipped into the bathroom for my toothbrush, hence the delay in typing up this post!

So exciting! Just as I was sulking jealously at people who seem to have a way with stringed beasts and can coax a song out just by flittering their fingers. Where I feel like I can repeat fidelously (which, I know, isn't a word, but it's the word that my brain keeps suggesting instead of the word I'm trying to think of) but I can't or i feel much more timid before the task of musical inventing.

Maybe there is hope for me yet.

Also on the topic of exciting musical news, I am headed for Seattle soon, which means another trip to the Trading Musician! This time, I am on the hunt for a glockenspiel, a glow-in-the-dark shaker skull or two, and, if the stars align, a singing saw. Although, I keep thinking about Grizzly Bear and how they said they sing all the parts of the instruments they don't have in their band, and how I like singing the saw part. Only time will tell what the future will hold!

1 comment:

Ciana said...

a) i am so happy to hear about your ZING moment
b) it reminds me of when i finally learned the fancy uke moment for "Postcards from Italy" and it was like, YESSSSS!
c) i would be eternally grateful if you managed to ensnare one of those roving glow in the dark shaker skulls for me, and i'll reimburse you!
d) glockenspiel = very exciting!
e) singing saw might sound even better if you really did sing the noise!