Tuesday, March 10, 2009

(sin titulo)

I think languages are nice for how they let you understand more people. And communicate with more people. But sometimes, like today, I'm torn between needing to say things and not necessarily wanting to be understood.

So, a list is in order.

Good things:
The magnolias and plum trees and cherry trees and everything is in bloom.
I may win a ukulele, which will be my first guitar, although I will need to pay for it.
I have a banjo lesson today.

Other things:
It's dark now when I wake up, and still dark by the time I get home.
I can't sleep, which probably means I am stressed.

1 comment:

Ciana said...

put that magick rock under your pillow! and arrete de stresser!!!

ooh btw, ti couz on saturday the 21st? dreams of crepes might help relieve some of the stress.