Friday, June 13, 2008

home sweet home

Sometimes working from home is painful, but today it is glorious. And starting work at seven am means I'll be done soon! I did miss my sixty minutes over and back of reading about water politics, but I can do that later. I could even sit outside in a park! The luxury of it all!

And tonight Frida Kahlo at the SFMOMA with Ciana. I haven't seen much of her stuff, but I am convinced that I will love it. Esp. since I'm way into the ethnic thing these days. And realness in general.

Realness, for real. And just like being aware of things. Knowing what's in the food I eat, knowing on some fuzzy level about how to make sounds come out of my otherwise silent banjo-shaped beast. And now, knowing where the water in my faucets comes from and how it got there and what it means for the future.

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