Friday, June 20, 2008

manual labor <3

This is French Broom. It looks pretty now, but according to park rangers all along the west coast, it is a weed, an infestation, a problem. So I spent a big chunk of yesterday yanking these beasts from the dry Redwood Park soil up at the top of this ridge with a busload of Google engineers.

Let me tell you, it was HOT out yesterday in full sun doing manual labor at noon. The sun was setting fire to the soles of my green Converse. I was the only girl volunteer, which I didn't really notice till the girl from Hands on Bay Area pointed it out, but the boys were nice. Offering to get me water and stuff.

All in all I had a fabulous time. I love a good day in the dirt. According to the ranger, they get volunteers to pull these babies out on the first Saturday and second Sunday (I think?) of each month. I would totally be down to do it again if I can convince someone with a car that we want to go together.

I looked like this:

Only my weed wrench was smaller ...and the plants I was pulling were smaller - but not that much smaller!

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