Saturday, June 21, 2008

hot hot heat

I am on a blog posting rampage. You don't even know.

Right now I'm feeling the first breath of cool air coming through my window in days, but somehow I haven't even felt the need to get the fan out of the closet yet. Craziness. Normally I loathe this kind of weather, but here I am in my little red dress, having discovered this morning that I can wear it without pants underneath. Amazing.

I am supposed to be working on finishing up this quilt for Maggie's baby, but after biking around on errands, I couldn't resist dragging the banjo over to Mosswood park to practice. Hopefully this can become a regular thing, playing banjo in the park. As I was about to start packing things up today, I noticed that a young guy had come over to listen. He didn't say anything. And I didn't say anything, but it seemed like it'd be rude to just leave as soon as he got there, so I kept playing.

I played through Fireball Mail maybe ten times and worked on bits of Cripple Creek and he was still there, so I tried to think of other things to play. I tried to remember Yodel and Idea and the part of O Leaonzinho I like. And then I started just making things up. And he kept listening as if I were a real musician who can actually play the banjo. I was both flattered and deathly afraid of making eye contact. And, in the end, really impressed with myself.

[That up there is me post banjo excursion.]

1 comment:

Ciana said...

this has been quite a rampage!!! keep it up!