Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Firstly, I had a fabulous time in Seattle this weekend. I should tell you about it.

This week feels like one of those heavy, sensory-overload weeks, though. Not sure how that happened. Maybe I caught something on the plane ride back. That could be it. Some weeks are just TMI. And there hasn't even been that much this week. Maybe I shouldn't schedule myself to work 12 hours my first day back from a trip. But there are just so many people needing things from me, I seem to have gone into shock.

This is why I haven't answered your email.

If I still feel this fuzzy in the brain tomorrow, maybe I will call in sick.
Probably a good idea.

1 comment:

Ciana said...

you should definitely tell me about your trip to seattle! on saturday!! i think you and russell and i will be the only ones there. which means that we can go to ti couz for dinner after a drink??? SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU!!!