Friday, September 25, 2009

All tuckered out

Didn't remember till after an hour-ish of mattock swinging in the noon heat that the blood drive people admonished doing heavy labour while I'm down a pint of blood. Pretty satisfying bit of work even if I'm feeling dead to the world now.

The Int'l Ag Dev folks at UC Davis have gotten back to me too. They even say they'll hook me up with some profs and current students when I visit if they can. It's a bit overwhelming, even. Feeling like I need to step up my game.

I'm torn about the whole Ag v. Ecology thing, though. On the one hand, I'd assume there's money in agriculture. Or, at least it's a problem putting a little money towards solving. Industry with lots o' money poured into it, even if not much comes back out. All this talk about water reclamation makes me wonder what the difference between dams and swales is. At the end of the day are we still just pitting ourselves against nature? I know finding a way to put plants back on salty land can't be a bad thing, and swales are meant to use natural processes to store water in the earth the way nature does it, but I'm feeling wary of all this Cultivation. I'm wanting to run off into the woods. I want to be sent to remote beautiful places and get paid to explain to people why they should appreciate them. ...before they're terraced.

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