Thursday, December 11, 2008


I saw two girls playing jumprope on the sidewalk in West Oakland as I was biking to work on Wednesday morning, which made me happy because I read that jumprope is the first thing to go when you start cutting back sidewalks to make more space for street, which is supposedly problematic since sidewalks are meant to be a city's lifeblood and an indicator of a neighborhood's health/degree of safety. So, after seeing all those other enclosed courtyards that no one uses because they're not private enough to be private and not public enough to be public, it was nice to see something reassuring.

And also. Noah saw my calendar as he was leaving. The Treehouses of the World calendar, a most amazing and inspiring calendar. And it turns out that he has considered learning how to build treehouses being that he did study architecture, etc. So, this is promising because my architect sister declined to build my pirateship-like treehouse for me.

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