Saturday, December 6, 2008

Plan B

What if I started applying for the Peace Corps now? Would that be a bad idea?

- I could start doing "interesting" stuff sooner.
- I would potentially have another job lined up for late next year/early 2010.

- PC is having trouble getting funding :(
- I'm not qualified for farming/plant stuff yet.
- I can't speak Spanish yet (and therefore would be ineligible for Latin America, which means chances are I'd get sent to Africa, but is that a bad thing? I could get sent there anyway...).
- Band stuff is not happening in PC countries.

So I guess now isn't the best time. But then when is a good time for doing something scary like quitting your job to move to a developing country when we'll be in a world-wide recession for the foreseeable future?

I would love to just sit down with some accommodating and objective but neutral person to really puzzle this out. Where do you find these people? My parents are out since they will always oppose quitting one's job to do something not fully fleshed out during a recession, but there should be some reasonable person. Or does that really and truly sum things up?

I almost want to drive to Virginia to ask Barbara Kingsolver what to do. I want to pull everyone I know aside and interview them individually, but I honestly wonder if things wouldn't make more sense once I was growing rhubarb in Iceland.

1 comment:

Ciana said...

the peace corps is rad but it's such a loooonnnnggg time!!!!!!!!!!! and you have a band that relies on you!!!!!!!!!!!!! and africa is really far away!!!!!!!!!!