Saturday, January 3, 2009


The most exciting news of the year is clearly that Russ and Ciana are getting married. How great and wonderful and perfect and lovely and best is that? Also awesome is that I got to have brunch with the newly affianced just minutes after things were settled. And if that weren't enough, I get to be a bridesmaid! Which is very nearly as good as actually getting married! So, yay!

I could not even dream up a lovelier couple and feel honored just to know them, let alone get to prance about in a fancy dress (or whatever Ciana would like because she has the most refined and delicious taste of anyone I know and therefore if it is decided that I am to wear orange taffeta with maybe one of those enormous hats with animal fur print trim, that is indeed what I will wear) on the big day. Swoon.

I wish you both a continuation of all the best and then some! May your days be filled with beauty and romance and good wine and Edwardian balls and sparkly chandeliers and good books and warm fireplaces and exciting adventures.

1 comment:

Ciana said...

oh miss lisa, you know us so well! and it is i who am honored for you to agree to the duty of bridesmaidhood! (which is a word i absolutely love.) i plan on consulting your impeccable taste about many many many details of this shindig, not the least of which concerns the aforementioned bridesmaid dress. it's a challenge, but i think we can prevail!!!