Saturday, April 18, 2009

The big apple

If I haven't already told you, New York was fantastic. Five blissful days of doing as little as possible, but even doing as little as possible included such highlights as:

1. mailing in my passport renewal application
2. excellent dinners in and out with Ciana
3. a stroll through Prospect Park
4. a peek into the Brooklyn Public Library
5. the purchase of a fabulous new pair of sweatpants
6. wandering through Greenwich Village, which also involved frozen margarita happy hour at a cowgirl bar (of course)
7. not being rained on despite a forecast of practically three days of solid rain
8. the springing of spring
9. framboise lambic at the Red Horse Cafe, also shared with Ciana
10. a first-rate, home cooked Easter brunch with Ciana and my elusive architect sister
11. the writing of various letters and postcards
12. the reading of a book
13. the finishing of my Spanish homework and writing of my Spanish composition
14. a brief visit to the wondrous American Natural History Museum, which I am determined to see again and stay for longer
15. a quick jaunt to Zabars in which I acquired all manner of tasty treats for the plane ride home
16. the telling of my future with John in tarot cards by Ciana (more on that later)
17. not working, not even a little
18. morning tea with Ciana over European style yogurt and English muffins with honey and half-salted roasted almonds
19. the learning of a fantastic recipe for cherry tomato - mushroom - goat cheese - basil pasta a la Ciana (which I will attempt to reproduce myself in the next few days)
20. the inspection of various Brooklyn apartments
21. the experience of dancing in New York City
22. the discovery of highly inexpensive Muji stationery at the MOMA design store
23. taking a luxurious nap while the sun was out and fully getting enough sleep (finally!)

I have returned renewed and refreshed! Thank you to Ciana for being a most gracious hostess to me and my sister and for good times all around!


Ciana said...

i seriously ate that zabars chocolate bar in a day and a half. i appreciate the chocolate, of course, but NEVER AGAIN!!! it's like crack, and i'm an addict! the flowers, on the other hand, have lasted this whole week!

myrkur ljos said...

i'll have to get some for myself next time. heh.