Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Vegetable of the week: green garlic

This is what I had for dinner the other night:

One stalk green garlic, handful of heirloom cherry tomatoes, and four small crimini mushrooms sautéed in olive oil with sea salt plus one egg cooked on top and decorated with gruyere shavings and chopped fresh basil on two slices of my oatmeal bread fried in the pan juice.

It's almost close enough to summer that tomatoes are starting to taste like tomatoes (granted the organic ones I found at Trader Joes were from Mexico). This is very exciting. It's true what they say about eating seasonal produce making you fall in love with each vegetable and fruit as they come back. Still, god bless California for growing me tomatoes for a fantastically long part of the year.

And, green garlic, as you may or may not know, is practically the most amazing vegetable ever. It's like half leek, half garlic. Except maybe it's all garlic. How have I lived this long without it???

1 comment:

Ciana said...

i am going to invite myself over to dinner at your house next time you make this!!!